Justin Scott Campbell





Looking Up, Moving Forward

As we face challenges both within ourselves and within the worlds we live and work in, how do we navigate said challenges, in ways that get us closer to the kinds of people we ultimately want to be? What are the North Stars, that guide us home?


do we really need "Safe Spaces" at work?

We live in a cultural moment where there is an ongoing argument about whether we need “safe spaces” in our society. Needing “safe spaces” is often presented as evidence of mental weakness or low resilience in a person or organization. What if this wasn’t true, though? What if creating “safe spaces” wasn’t evidence of a deficiency in your organization, but a sign that you were on your way to growing your business and increasing profitability?


Leaving Money on the Table

You may be wondering if there are any other incentives for building a more robust D&I framework within your organization. The answer to your question is YES. Recent research has found that organizations with weak D&I programs are literally leaving money on the table.


Why Diversity Matters

Diversity and Inclusion (D&I)  in the workplace must go beyond “crayon box” policies focusing on increasing demographic representation in age, gender, sexual orientation and ethnic background. True workplace D&I  requires a commitment to deep systemic change on the intrapersonal, interpersonal and institutional levels.

But why does D&I matter for you and your organization?